Showing posts with label rachel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rachel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Power of Love

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Parshat Vayeitzei

Time flies when you're having fun.

Or when you're in love, as Yaakov is with Rachel (Mizrachi on Bereshit 29:20).

The seven years he worked in order to marry her "seemed to him a few days because of his love for her."

So the next time you're in a tough situation and time seems to stand painfully still, try tapping into the great love in your heart and watch your reality shift.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Power of Inspiration

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Parshat Vayeitzei

Have you ever received a burst of inspiration?

Did you feel that you could do anything?

This is the sense Yaakov experiences when he sees Rachel for the first time. His emotions are powerful enough to enable him to roll a heavy stone off the mouth of a well (Bereshit 29:10).

What large challenge lies in front of you now?

What can you look to for inspiration in order to overcome it?