Monday, April 30, 2012

Moving into Endurance

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Gevurah of Netzach
(Boundaries in Endurance)

Ever make a plan to achieve something and it fell through?

What if you had a special formula to ensure your success? Part of that formula could include drawing limits around yourself to keep you focused on your goal. That way, nothing stands in between you and your aim.

Let's ask God to protect our determination -- to help us draw clear boundaries in order to achieve our goals.

Chesed of Netzach
(Lovingkindness in Endurance)

If you're like me, sometimes you get so focused on what you want that -- hopefully for not too long --you simply forget to be nice.

Especially to the ones we love.

So let's ask God to help us remember our lovingkindness despite our ambitiousness.

Malchut of Tiferet
(Self-mastery in Balance)

It's a good feeling to come home to yourself. That's what happens when you find yourself centered and poised, ready to face life's challenges with dignity and grace.

Let's ask God to bless us with more of this!

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