Monday, April 30, 2012

Effort in Equilibrium

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Tiferet of Netzach
(Balance in Endurance)

Would you consider yourself to be an "over-" or "under-" achiever"?

The "over-" and "under-" refer to a tendency away from balance.

Let's ask God to grant us inner equilibrium in all of our efforts.

Moving into Endurance

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Gevurah of Netzach
(Boundaries in Endurance)

Ever make a plan to achieve something and it fell through?

What if you had a special formula to ensure your success? Part of that formula could include drawing limits around yourself to keep you focused on your goal. That way, nothing stands in between you and your aim.

Let's ask God to protect our determination -- to help us draw clear boundaries in order to achieve our goals.

Chesed of Netzach
(Lovingkindness in Endurance)

If you're like me, sometimes you get so focused on what you want that -- hopefully for not too long --you simply forget to be nice.

Especially to the ones we love.

So let's ask God to help us remember our lovingkindness despite our ambitiousness.

Malchut of Tiferet
(Self-mastery in Balance)

It's a good feeling to come home to yourself. That's what happens when you find yourself centered and poised, ready to face life's challenges with dignity and grace.

Let's ask God to bless us with more of this!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Video: Secret to Achieving Balance

Being in Balance

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Hod of Tiferet
(Thankfulness in Balance)

Once you've achieved a sense of balance, don't forget Who allowed you to do it!

Let's ask God to remind us to be thankful for His continual blessings -- including the blessing of personal growth.

Yesod of Tiferet
(Connection in Balance)

When you're feeling inner equilibrium, it's like shining from your heart.

The best way to express that sensation is to share it with others, such as your family and your community.

Let that sense of balance permeate your home, workplace, and any other location you choose to elevate.

Let this feeling allow you to bond with healthy people and environments, and to raise up those who need more light.

Let's ask God to help us shine our inner light to reveal connection in the world.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Staying Centered

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Netzach of Tiferet
(Endurance in Balance)

Now that you've found that place of centeredness inside, can you maintain it?

Let's ask God to persevere in our ability to stay balanced, no matter what circumstances we may face.

See-Saw Marjorie Daw

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Tiferet of Tiferet
(Balance in Balance)

How often do you feel like a teeter-totter, going up and down in response to the challenges of life?

Let's ask God to maintain a sense of personal equilibrium from which to face the world.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Restraint in Balance

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Gevurah of Tiferet
(Restraint in Balance)

Did you ever feel bad because you held yourself back?

Whether in giving charity, or compassion, or any other aspect of your love.

We tend to think of restraint as negative, but it has its place.

When we're in a heart-felt place of balance, with love towards ourselves and others, then restraint doesn't look so ugly. It's actually a blessing. It directs love and giving --or the withholding of it-- in a healthier way.

Let's ask God to help us appreciate our willingness to hold back, when we're in a place of balance.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Malchut of Gevurah
(Self-Mastery in Boundaries)

It's the boundaries we keep that help us reveal our self-mastery.

Let's ask God to bless our sense of personal boundaries, organization and discipline, that they should reflect our inner strength, dignity, and self-respect.

Chesed of Tiferet
(Lovingkindness in Balance)

Can you find that sense of inner balance from which love can flow?

Let's ask God to put us in touch with the source of love that comes from equilibrium.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Where's the Bonding Boundary?

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Yesod in Gevurah
(Connection in Restraint)

Do you find yourself burdening relationships because you can't give space to the other?

The irony is, you'll connect even better when you hold yourself back. Examine the fine line between needing the other and being needy; giving space and being aloof.

Let's ask God to help us deepen our bonds with others by holding proper boundaries.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Grateful for our Limitations

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Hod of Gevurah
(Thankfulness in Restraint)

Without the boundary of land, we'd all drown in the ocean--
With no limits of time, we'd procrastinate and not achieve as much as we could....
So for these things and more we can be thankful.

Let's be grateful for our limitations.
by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Netzach of Gevurah
(Endurance in Restraint)

Keeping one's boundaries in check is one of the hardest tasks.

Following through with rules for children, keeping to an exercise plan, or simply not letting in what needs to be kept out.

Let's ask God for consistency in keeping our boundaries.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Beauty of Restraint

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Tiferet in Gevurah
(Balance in Restraint)

What happens when you reveal the balance of restraint?

You get something beautiful.

Let's ask God to help us reveal the beauty in restraint.

Monday, April 16, 2012


by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Gevurah of Gevurah
(Restraint in Restraint)

Discipline, organization, boundaries, limits.

How does the Gevurah aspect show up in the different facets of your life?

Let's ask God to guide our sense of restraint so that we
can feel happy, healthy, abundant, and successful in all areas of our lives.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Count Goes On

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Yesod of Chesed 
(Connection in Lovingkindness)

Do you notice when your giving is truly received? It's when you feel connected to the other.

In pure, unconditional giving, we create and deepen our relationships.

Let's ask God to bless our giving, that it should unite us together more deeply.

Malchut of Chesed
(Self-Mastery in Lovingkindess)

Let's ask God to help us give from a place of dignity while honoring the dignity of another.

Chesed of Gevurah
(Lovingkindness in Restraint)

The ability to hold back when appropriate is a strength. Of course, restraint in excess is an imbalance.
When you express restraint in yourself, or require it from others, do you communicate lovingkindness or harshness?

Let's ask God to color our restraint with a warm glow of love.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thank You for Love

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Hod of Chesed
(Thankfulness in Lovingkindess)

Isn't loving another enough?
Why should I be thankful about it?

Everything comes from the Divine.
Even the ability to love.

When you feel thankful about loving another,
you open up to the possibility of even more loving experiences. You invite more abundance into your life.
More blessing. More goodness.

Let's ask God to help us feel thankful that we're able to love another.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Heart Will Go On

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Netzach of Chesed
(Endurance in Lovingkindness)

Is your love conditional?

Have you ever closed your heart out of resentment, or in order to not feel vulnerable?
Did you ever notice what that feels like on the inside?

Although you may have a good reason to withdraw your love, this response actually depletes your energy.

Let's ask God to keep our hearts open, strong and resilient, despite the temptation to close down in difficult circumstances. Then we'll feel energized and connected to the vibrant flow of the eternal Loving Source.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hearts of Harmony

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Tiferet of Chesed

(Harmony in Lovingkindness)

What would it be like to feel a constant flow of love through your heart, a place of giving and receiving love, with courage and compassion?

Let's ask Hashem to heal our hearts so that we can serve Him from a place of balance.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Limits of Love

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Gevurah of Chesed

(Discipline in Lovingkindness)

Do you sometimes get hurt because you give too much?

Consider holding back a bit for your own sake or for the sake of a loved one. Putting boundaries on our love can be empowering.

Together let's ask God to guide our love so that we can give it in the proper amounts, in the appropriate way, and at the right time.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

All You Need is Love

by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Chesed of Chesed

(Lovingkindness in Lovingkindess)

What better way to begin the counting of the omer with a reflection of what's in your heart?

As the famous Beatles song goes:

All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

Doesn't matter how many times it's been broken. Doesn't matter how often it's been closed.
Your heart is a resilient creation -- the Holy Temple of the Divine.

What would it feel like to free up the limitless free-flowing love inside? It's your birthright.
So let's ask God to open up your heart a little bit more each day than the one before. 

May you receive Love for yourself without feeling a need to deserve it.
May you then feel safe to give it unconditionally to others.