Friday, May 25, 2012

What is the Essence of Self-Mastery?

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

 Hod of Malchut
(Thankfulness in Self-Mastery)

When God created you, you were given personal dignity.

Let's ask God to constantly renew our sense of self-respect and sovereignty.

Yesod of Malchut
(Connection in Self-Mastery)

Don't let your independence be a cover up for your fear of bonding.

Let's ask God for help in connecting with others deeply, no matter what level of self-mastery we've achieved.

Malchut of Malchut
(Essence of Self-Mastery)

What is the essence of Self-Mastery?

When you realize that God had you in mind at the beginning of Creation,
and that you fill a special place in the world,
that there is no one else like you,
and you are needed here at this time for a special reason (even if you don't know what it is),

When you know that information deeply,
and it fills you with lovingkindness,
and allows you to put up healthy boundaries,
and to feel balance,
and endure through life's challenges,
and be thankful for those challenges,
while connecting with others deeply,

perhaps that's the essence of Self-Mastery.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

King for a Day

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Netzach of Malchut
(Endurance in Self-Mastery)

Did you ever feel a sense of personal dignity,
only to lose your temper?

Let's ask God to help us maintain our sense of sovereignty,
despite life's challenges.

Tiferet of Malchut
(Balance in Self-Mastery)

Ever hear the expression, "tough love"?

Balance in a leadership position means being able to show kindness
while at the same time encouraging discipline.

Let's ask God to help us be centered in our authority.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sides of Self-Mastery

by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Gevurah of Malchut
(Boundaries in Self-Mastery)

Did you ever see an authority figure take advantage of his or her position by bending the rules?
Maintaining boundaries is especially important when we're in charge.

Let's ask God to guard any temptation we may have to exploit our authority.

Chesed of Malchut

(Lovingkindeness in Self-Mastery)

When we have sovereignty over our thoughts,
emotions, and actions, it's much easier
to feel expanded and giving.

Let's ask God to bring out our best in order to love others.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Beautiful Bonding

by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Malchut of Yesod
(Self-Mastery in Connection)

When does bonding with others bring out the best in you?
Those are the relationships that support your sense of self-mastery.

When does bonding with others bring out the worst in you?
Those are the relationships that call for a change:
either you need to transform your perspective of the other person (or yourself), or end the relationship.

Let's ask G-d to give us clarity about our relationships, so that they bring out the best in us.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

First Step to Deep Connections

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Yesod of Yesod
(Connection in Connection)

What's the first step to making deep connections?

The beginning of any connection outward
is the bond you have inward.

Are you connected to yourself?
Or do you get pulled in other directions:
people, situations, your own thoughts...

Let's ask God to help us bond with ourselves, so that we can connect deeply with others.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Secret of Connecting with Gratitude

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Hod of Yesod
(Thankfulness in Connection)

What is the secret of being thankful in connecting?

Getting quiet inside...becoming totally present with
the experience... feeling a sense of gratitude for being alive in this moment...revealing the good that emanates from the bonding experience.

Let's ask God to connect us with our deepest appreciation for being alive in this moment.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Make a Commitment

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Netzach of Yesod
(Endurance in Connection)
relationships. sustantivo. rapports. beziehungen.  रिश्तों. sambönd.  σχέσεις. caidrimh. relacje. relações. отношения. relaciones. relationer . 관계. relazioni. hubungan. relaţii. 関係. verhoudings. relaties. 关系. vztahy. relasyon. attiecības. ilişkiler. відноAre you willing to take on your relationships
for the long haul?

Can you overlook another's faults,
weakness, or disobedience for today,
in order to continue to bond with them a month from now?

Let's ask God to help us make a commitment to the ones we love.

Even those times they let us down.