Thursday, May 10, 2012

What is the Essence of Thankfulness?

by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Hod of Hod
(Essence of Thankfulness)

You'll probably get as many answers
as people you ask,
but here's my answer:

The essence of thankfulness is
fully embodying the role of receiver
in relationship to the giver.

That means the ability to fully accept
what is bestowed upon you,
with the realization
that it is good.

May we all be blessed to reveal the good of what is given.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thank you, thank you, thank you

by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Tiferet of Hod
(Balance in Thankfulness)

I've heard of not being appreciative enough,

but could there be such a thing as too grateful?

Let's ask God to help us find the right amount of thankfulness in each and every day.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Two Sides of Thankfulness

by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Gevurah of Hod
(Boundaries in Thankfulness)

It's easy to say "thank you" to people we care about.

It's harder when we're dealing with a difficult person.


Because when we share feelings of gratefulness and appreciation, we're actually giving a part of ourselves to the other. And we're not always ready to let down our guard...

Let's be aware of when we're holding back from showing our thankfulness, and ask God to help us work through this limitation.

Chesed of Hod
(Lovingkindness in Thankfulness)

Do you ever forget to share your feelings of appreciation?

Sometimes we can be so caught up in our own inner world that we forget about expressing ourselves to others.

And there is so much to give thanks for.

Let's ask God to help us express our gratefulness.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Are You Doing This?

by Devora Gila Berkowitz 
Yesod of Netzach
(Connection in Endurance)

Commitment, perseverence, willpower.

Aren't these admirable qualities?

To maximize your endurance, check to make sure you're connecting positively with the people or experiences you're involved in.

Let's ask God to help us bond more deeply with our goals, and to the people we're committed to.

The Secret to Endurance

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thank God

by Devora Gila Berkowitz

Hod of Netzach
(Thankfulness in Endurance)

You know that downward spiral that follows a string of successes?

Could that be the result of forgetting that God is the One who allows you to achieve?

When we forget to thank Him for helping us persevere, He "forgets" to continue supporting us in our endeavors.

Let's ask God to remind us to thank Him for the strength to move forward.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


by Devora Gila Berkowitz
Netzach of Netzach
(Endurance in Endurance)

What are you determined about?

What do you use your willpower for?

What are you willing to commit to?

May our endurance shine our light into the world.